Whether you have children of your own or work as an educator, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD) are always topics of conversation for young students with nearly 3 million diagnoses every year. Shrewsbury Learning Experts privately tutors many students in Massachusetts with various behavioral disorders that can impact their ability to learn, and believe there are some things you should know about this common condition.
Is it real?
ADHD and ADD are often lumped into a single category, and both referred to as ADHD with the most noticeable symptoms being limited focus and hyperactivity. This disorder is among some of the most controversial diagnoses in young children. Shrewsbury Learning Experts have seen many children struggle with their inability to learn and our beliefs exist based on extensive research of the biological differences found in a typical student versus one with ADHD through brain scans and other similar tests.
What are the treatment options?
There have been multiple forms of treatment for ADHD utilized and proven effective, with the two most popular being talk therapy and medication. Using both cognitive behavioral therapy and cognition-enhancing medications have given many with ADHD the ability to lower their symptoms.
What are some additional common misconceptions about ADHD?
There are many myths about these disorders that could impact a child’s ability to learn in a classroom: ADHD is the result of bad parenting, children will outgrow their ADHD, it is a cop-out for a lazy student, there is just one type of ADHD, and trouble focusing means your child have ADHD. Proper education of these disorders and assessment by a professional is an essential aspect of determining how this condition might be impacting your child in and outside of the classroom.
Fortunately, there are professionals out there who are excited and fascinated by the research completed for this common condition. Our Director, Maryellen Brunyak, is passionate about helping students who struggle with these disorders and creating an environment that aids in their academic success.
With more questions about how Shrewsbury Learning Experts can help you, please call us today at (508) 845-0000.